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Joint Virtual Reality Conference

From October 17th to October 19th of 2012 took place in the Facultad de Informática (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid) the 18th Eurographics Symposium on Virtual Environments, the 9th EuroVR Conference, and the 22nd International Conference on Artificial Reality and Teleexistence (ICAT), merged together into the JVRC 2012 - Joint Virtual Reality Conference of ICAT - EGVE - EuroVR. The organization of the event was held by the members of the laboratory with Angélica de Antonio, head of the laboratory, as Conference Chair, and by the Center for Smart Environments and Energy Efficiency CeDInt (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid).

The Joint Virtual Reality Conference is an international event which brings together people from industry, commerce, research including technology developers, suppliers and all those interested in virtual reality, augmented reality, mixed reality and 3D user interfaces to exchange knowledge and share experiences of new results and applications, show live demonstrations of current and emerging technologies, discuss emerging directions for the field and form collaborations for future work.